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  • Writer's pictureKimberly Reveil

Character > Success

Hey Friends,

Earlier this year I was privileged to help one of my best friends write her first book. ‘When It’s Finally Your Turn’ details her journey from waiting to walking into the promises God gave her. She gave a handful of her friends the opportunity to testify also and I shared the story of how my post grad transition changed my life and relationship with God. Read it here!

God gave me the greatest revelation as I reflected on that time. That is, He cares more about our character than our success.

Let me prove it to you.

A few years ago I got a very detailed prophecy about the space I would take up in the world and what my life would look like. I was also told that before I got there I’d go through a dark and difficult season. Present day, I can confidently say the “dark and difficult season” is over - Thank God! - and the promised land experience is on the way!

But in this middle period I see that the girl I was when I received the prophecy could never handle the promise that’s ahead. My ideals about God, myself, career, relationships, money, confidence, religion, people, eternity, basically life altogether had to change. Faith, patience, responsibility, and integrity had to replace fear, selfishness, impurity, and weakness.

May I submit to you that the reason you haven’t gotten what you’ve been praying for yet is not because God doesn’t want to give it to you, but that He is maturing you into the person He knows He can trust it with.

He did this with the Israelites in the wilderness, humbling them and testing them to prove their character. Strengthening their mind, body, and spirit to face the fights ahead. Because though inheriting the Promised Land was inevitable, they’d have to fight to conquer it and who they were when they left Egypt was far from who they needed to be when entering the promise.

God’s methods are kind of like Mr. Miyagi’s from The Karate Kid movie. He’ll have you “waxing cars” until He sees you’ve learned the lesson and He can take you into a real fight. It’s our job to trust Him whether or not it makes sense or feels good, and the Bible says in return He’ll give us “peace” and “victory”.

So if you’re feeling impatient about why you haven’t gotten “there” yet or received “it” yet, instead thank God for helping you mature so you won’t squander the blessing. Ask for revelation about how He is preparing you and how you can partner with Him in the process. Trust that when it finally happens for you, you'll be ready. Let it be beautiful!

xo, Kim

Deuteronomy 8, Psalm 29:11, Psalm 20:6, Romans 8:28, James 1:2-4


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